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Scrying method the easy way!

Scrying is from the Middle English word descry, which normally

means 'to reveal'. This method is often use by paranormal

investigators, mediums or individuals to see the future or for

spirit communication. Some use water, smoke, crystal ball, black

mirror, and more... With our Scryer ITC application, we

included an AI liquid display, which is very similar to water, that

could enable you to see things that spirits are trying to share

with you visually. Plus you can mix the included smoke

simulation with it also. On top of that, Scryer uses sound banks

and internet radio that can be used like a regular spirit box. The

brand new sound engine included in the application adds

another amazing layer to your spirit communication when

conducting session!


New 2022 sound engine with sound banks and internet radio* AI generated liquid for the scrying method. Smoke simulation option to mix with the AI liquid Advance reverb with 2 levels of intensity (high and low) Our unique silence mode to make it easier to chat with spirits Volume adjustment Glitch effect when there a high level of fluctuations Take screen shots while in a session 3 colors to choose from for the light reflection on the AI liquid screen (Yellow, Blue and Green) Zoom in/out the AI liquid to put more focus on scrying Unique 3D FULL SCREEN user interface 6 months of technical support (email) and updates (if any) And more! READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY and review our Refund policy Officially released : March 2022 Current version : 1.0.319.2022 INCOMPATIBLE with Android and Apple devices!
You probably seen some people using external pedals for reverb, echo, reverse and even for noise reduction with other paranormal software from the competition. With Scryer save your money, there is NO NEED for external pedals. A noise reduction pedal is NOT recommended with any of our software.
Technical support is available for 6 months after date of purchase (for paid software ONLY). We only respond by email if the proper information is supplied (click here for more details). Support hours are from Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm EASTERN time. We are closed on holidays. Be sure to read our FAQ page before sending an email to our support team.
since 2011
Designed for Windows computers only
Scryer ITC Application
THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE Disclaimer: XParanormal Detector, Presence ITC Application, Scryer ITC Application, Spectral-X, Armania, VR-Ghostbox, Phasma Communicator, Phasmabox, Infinity box GBX/EXP Editions, XTS-Spirit Box, Elysian or any other software we offer, does not guarantee to detect ghosts, nor does its name imply that they exist. But it might, and they might. However, your interaction, emotional state, and belief system, may be important factors in how you interpret unusual events. These software might be a useful tools to some people and amusing toys to others. These software should be used for entertainment only
Once you have bought the license an email will be sent to you within 48 hours with the license code and the download link. Instructions will be given to you on how activate the software. If you did not receive the email within 48 hours, please contact us at : sales@extremesenses.com
No need for pedals! Technical support

What you need to use this software

If you are not sure you have the minimum system requirements to run this software, please go to this page before buying - Checking my system Note: This software will NOT run on Android devices (phone and tablets) or Apple devices (iPhone, Mac, iPad) or Windows 8 RT tablets or any devices with ARM processors You need the following requirements for your computer: Windows 10 or 11 Home / Pro editions Intel (i5 or better) or equivalent CPU with a QUAD-CORE processor of 2.0 ghz or better 4 GB of RAM (memory) or higher recommended Resolution: Min. 1366x768 / Max. 1920 X 1080 Scale and Layout of Windows Display needs to be set at 100 % Sound card Internet connectivity (optional for the internet radio) Tablet mode in Windows 10 / 11 is NOT supported Administrator permissions are required for installation If you are not sure if your Windows computer can run this application. Please contact us before buying.
This application requires a modern Windows computer that is 5 years old or less. Please read the minimum requirements