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ONLY for Infinity box EXP edition!

Infinity box EXP edition allows you to import user made packs. This can completly change your session depending on the pack you are using. The packs found on this page were validated and tested by eXtremeSenses Software. Only compatible with : Infinity box EXP edition and not the GBX edition TO BE ABLE TO USE THE PACKS ON THIS PAGE YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE INFINITY BOX EXP EDITION
since 2011
Designed for Windows computers only
Infinity box EXP edition Packs
THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE Disclaimer: XParanormal Detector, Presence ITC Application, Scryer ITC Application, Spectral-X, Armania, VR-Ghostbox, Phasma Communicator, Phasmabox, Infinity box GBX/EXP Editions, XTS-Spirit Box, Elysian or any other software we offer, does not guarantee to detect ghosts, nor does its name imply that they exist. But it might, and they might. However, your interaction, emotional state, and belief system, may be important factors in how you interpret unusual events. These software might be a useful tools to some people and amusing toys to others. These software should be used for entertainment only

You want to have your own Infinity box EXP pack featured on this page?

Just send the following information to xapps@extremesenses.com: Download link where you pack is hosted (website, file sharing site..ect..) Name or paranormal group name Short description: type of sound banks included, how it should be used, ect.. We need to know where the audio files are coming from to avoid copyright issues. Example:

Dark voices pack by eXtremeSenses Software

Description: This pack includes 10 audio book recordings that were adjusted within Infinity box EXP edition to give a deep/dark voice effect to each banks. The reverse was set for all bank slots Download link: Your download link would be here Once we have received your request we will download your pack and have it go thru our quality control process. After the information will publish on this page for everyone.

Midnight pack by Runestone1 (Andy) - Infinity box EXP user

Description: A lot of time into fine tuning the length, mixture and quality of the audio, The 10 bank audio files are all 20 min. long giving a total of 3 Hours and 20 Minutes of assorted audio from a multitude of voices. There is even a custom pic for the Midnight Pack. As default the only setting activated for all tracks is Reverb. Download link (Size 180 meg): Google drive shared file Although this pack is free, any donations to Andy for this pack would be appreciated. Just use the PayPal link here
User made packs below
You need public domain audio files for the bank slots in Infinity box EXP edition? Visit Librivox.org they offer tons of free to use audio books in diffierent languages.